Welcome to Geodesign!
Geodesign is the term for a revolutionary design process having an impact worldwide. Its remarkable success lies in its unique combination of science and design: starting with geospatial information, engaging interdisciplinary collaborators, and building consensus among stakeholders. Geodesign is changing the way we design for a sustainable future.
This course is an introduction to the conceptual framework and workflows that guide geodesign in practice. Merriam-Webster defines a framework as “a basic structure underlying a system or concept”. Similarly, a workflow is defined as “the sequence of processes through which a piece of work passes from initiation to completion”. As such in this course we will focus on fundamental concepts and procedures. We will only briefly introduce technical tools and analysis techniques, often in the form of case studies, as a means of enhancing your understanding of those concepts.
By way of introduction, and to provide you with an infusion of inspiration as you embark on this course, please watch the following short TED talk featuring Esri founder and president Jack Dangermond as he speaks about the promise and future of Geodesign.