- A few different scenarios / tasks to engage in
- Building a 5 page site either way
- Video demonstrating technique
- Will need to enable plugins for all options
- That pesky manager “Chris” is back
- He’s oddly stopped caring about security of open source;
- You must have convinced him open stuff is great.
- However it talked to a vendor at a conference and after buying him dinner…
- He’s making you use WordPress
- We have a big client coming up that wants eCommerce solutions though, so he has his reasons; Grav / 11ty are NOT going to be able to do that
- He has other concerns though with WordPress because he’s heard talk of a fork, scalability concerns, and editing experience.
- He doesn’t “get” any of these issues, but then again, that’s why you have a job… now isn’t it?!
- The 5 pages you need with content supplied:
- Introduction to the editor, support links, description
- Pros and Cons of this editor (bullet list)
- Alternatives, why WordPress is good for Shopping site
- How this system stores data. Explain how it manages HTML / complex body content (or doesn’t), screenshots and examples of the relation between a page and post_content is required
- Embed of your Video submission for the week with option.
- Using Query monitor, identify all 4 CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete, research if you don't know what these are)
- Demonstrate the relationship between the CMS executing user operations and the back end database storing, retrieving and modifying data based on user actions
- Find the query and show the results via PHPMyAdmin
- This could be tied to the editor choice or just any actions in the site you’ve created for the written portion
- Create a multi-site instance of WordPress
- This could be separate from your website or the website could be 1 of your sites in your multi-site
- Explain table prefixing, and the pros / cons of this approach
- Show the relationship between requesting a new site in the multi-site in the UI and the backend creating tables to match
- Edit one of the site’s content and show the associated DB table content
- The client needed shopping cart stuff, screw all this nonsense and build a shopping cart
- Create a shopping cart / storefront for the client, “We’re Pen Stat”
- This should look like a real working store for selling Officl We’re Pen Stat Geer
- Install shopping cart, SEO, other custom plugins needed to make this come to life and pick a custom theme
- I want to feel that I am really shopping at Pen Stat
- Troll big or go home
- Create your 5 page WP/CP site + video
- In the video mention the option you selected
- Submit link to post in #lab7-wordpress channel on Slack
- This is due by Sunday at 11:59pm
- Website is created using WordPress or ClassicPress (1pts)
- Option specific task of DB tracing / editors / store made (2 pts)
- Demonstration of technique in video based on option (4pts)
- Evaluation is contextualized based on which option you pick.